Whoaaaa there Sparky, you think you can just come in here and start poking around looking at my mind maps? First, we gotta do some research so you know what you are looking at. Let's start with 'Evidence boards'.
An evidence board (or "crazy wall") is a common background feature in thriller and detective fiction movies and TV. It features a collage of media from different sources, pinned to a pinboard or stuck to a wall, and frequently interconnected with string to mark connections.
Evidence boards are associated in fiction with both detective activities and obsessional interests, including those of delusional individuals pursuing conspiracy theories.
Evidence boards have also been used as a teaching tool.
A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces of the whole. It is often created around a single concept, drawn as an image in the center of a blank page, to which associated representations of ideas such as images, words and parts of words are added. Major ideas are connected directly to the central concept, and other ideas branch out from those major ideas.
In network theory, link analysis is a data-analysis technique used to evaluate relationships (connections) between nodes. Relationships may be identified among various types of nodes (objects), including organizations, people and transactions. Link analysis has been used for investigation of criminal activity (fraud detection, counterterrorism, and intelligence), computer security analysis, search engine optimization, market research, medical research, and art.
In 2016 I realized that all of the information that we track could benefit from a visual display that could provide an 'at-a-glance' reference during a broadcast as well as assist my memory recall during conversations in the course of a regular business day.
*Please note the first reference to 'Global Pandemic' was the interest in Dan Brown's 2016 movie 'Inferno' at the bottom, far left corner. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferno_(2016_film)
Significant attention has been placed on geopolitical events as they relate to the implementation of a global standard reserve currency.
Also of interest is the Chinese incursion of the South China Sea as well as potential acts of unconventional warfare/acts of terrorism such as economic warfare, forest fires, tectonic, and weather warfare.
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